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Air Quality Watch HKH

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The Atmospheric Watch Initiative (AWI) was established in 2013 as part of ICIMOD's regional programme on Atmosphere. Until December 2019, this Initiative was known as the Atmosphere Initiative. AWI’s goal is to promote the adoption of effective measures and policies to reduce air pollution and its impacts within the HKH through improved knowledge and enhanced capacity of our regional partners. Its work includes improving scientific understanding of emissions sources, atmospheric processes and change, and air pollution impacts in the HKH. The initiative is involved in identifying, testing, and piloting mitigation solutions; building capacity and outreach; fostering regional collaboration and building cross-border networks; and contributing to policy at local, national, regional, and global levels.

AWI is developing an integrated information platform linking air quality data from various platforms for enhanced decision support in the region. This open source platform provides data analysis support to professionals responsible for air quality management and regulators. Users of this system will be able to compare different pollutants as well as single pollutant observation from different publicly available data repositories (in-situ, satellite, model) giving a wider understanding of the observed situation.

Status: Active @ ICIMOD

Deployment Environment:

On Premise Infrastructure SOCRATES

Technology Stack:

Django 3.x Tethys 3.0 THREDDS

Development Team: